Last week, doc told me he will do VE on the next appointment to check the cervix ripeness. I was like ok next week. 38 weeks. What i knew from the the antenatal class, 38 weeks doc will do vaginal swab for group B streptococcus (GBS) infection.
So i went back and read up blog about VE or "seluk", how does it feel. painful or uncomfortable or bearable or what. Most of them said painful. Ask colleague said painful. Some said uncomfortable only, not pain at all if you relax. I asked my friends, they said, dont allow, it will increase the risk of infection, not necessary at all, no contraction, no sign, no infection, no complication, not overdue yet, why doc wanna do VE.
So today, i went for the prenatal check up, he said, he wanna check it, i said, can we do it next week. He said, ok ok. But he wanna do swab, may bleed a bit, ok i accept that.
When i lay down, i saw that thing, the plastic speculum and all, ok nervous. To spread my leg is like opening the pintu rosak, sangkut2. I dont know what he's doing, but seriously not pain at all. Cuma aku je yang kelam kabut sorang2, panting like waiting for the pain to come. But the pain was not coming at all. Ok after that, i thought settled! I closed it, but i saw he put the gel onto his 2 fingers, i again reluctant to spread the leg again and asked "ist painful?" Oh the VE is coming. He lied to me like a kid hoo just now? Mungkir janji. After he settled, i was like haa, is that all, no pain like seriously, wah wah.. Magic magic. My nightmare didnt turn out real! Sia-sia je emo last week after doc kata nak wat VE, serabut otak baca blog orang. Yg jadi mangsa husband lah. Huhuuh. And oh, no bleeding nor spotting.
Maybe sebab dia x stretch2 ke apa kot. So not that bad. So he said, baby not engaged yet. Usual advice, walk, shopping, squat, making love more. Wahah. Last week after dia advice, squat tu aku buat 2 set je, lepas tu urat tertarik sana-sini stop lah.
Bising la husband, kata aku ni asyik baring je, xnak exercise, ( hoiih saya sakit pinggang lah, pinggang ni macam ranting nak patah, nak exercise apa nye, kena la ikot kata badan ni, LOL) semangat sekejap je.
Yela2, harini da naik tangga 2 set, squat da 30 kali, risau la dia takot xturun2 kena operate pulak 40 weeks nanti. Cuti dia xbanyak nak tunggu. Supposedly dah naik rig kat sarawak tu selasa ni, tapi amek cuti nak tunggu wife bersalin, tp baby namo turun la papa. Hehehe. So klw bersalin pon, dia xlama ada ngan kita ni, kena naik rig, dia xbanyak cuti, tunggu bersalin ni pon da bape hari makan cuti dia kan. Yang penting masa bersalin nanti kena la ada. Klw x , nak bersalin pon rasa nak marah jee nanti. Silap2 xbagi tengok baby nanti kangg. Hahah. Betol lah. Saya nak dia ada ngan saya waktu bersalin, dia la penguat semangat saya, yang tau macamana penakot nye saya ni.
Xpelah. Yang penting baby sihat kat dalam perot mama. Mama doa, tak overdue, mama tawakal je kat tuhan caesar ke, SVD ke, mana-mana yang Tuhan dah tetapkan. Mama pon nak pilih mana 1 pon dalam doa, kalau ikot kan dua2 pon mama takot. Jadi mama cakap dalam doa biar tuhan je la pilih mana yang terbaik yang mama mampu tanggung nanti. Asalkan baby & mama selamat. Nak sebut SVD gerun, nak sebut caesar pon xpatot. Sebab dua2 pilihan pon mama sakit jugak nanti. Oh, oh. Saya stuck in between. Tp of course akan usahakan SVD. Knowing the natural birth and the advantage, cuma mama takot la baby... Nanti mama bersin je teros keluar tau. Lol.